The city,the buildings,the life and whatnot on this issue. Images on black and white.
For this issue some changes were made, like paper quality and pictures format. As usual everyday black and white pictures.
And the release of the zine goes on, this issue include twenty monocromatic pictures of the everyday life. See the zine by doing click on the image.
The second issue came not longer after the debut and kept the idea of showing monocromatic pictures of what i see around me.
See the zine by doing click on the image.
See the zine by doing click on the image.
This zine started as a side project because wanted to have a new publication to show on a zine fair in Berlin, the initial idea was for sure to be a monocromatic zine.
See the zine by doing click on the image.
See the zine by doing click on the image.